Nothing screams 1980's as loudly as the rock n roll badge.

I spent most of the 80's working in record stores, killing brain cells and collecting badges.

I've got hundreds of 'em still, badges and cells, and all of these XTC pins are from my collection.

It's always difficult to determine the authenticity of these things, usually the "real" ones...

..."real" meaning those actually created and released to promote the band...

...are well worn and often stained or rusted in the back.

All of these images are just a wee bit larger than the badges themselves.

All of these badges were mass produced and I believe that they are all indeed "real" XTC pins...

...with the exception of the square Drums & Wires badge below which appears to have been homemade.

I've picked up some pins from ebay and have generally been very happy with the auctions I've won.

For those of you looking to further your collection through ebay here is a warning...

...the seller on ebay who goes by the name of eicohead has unique badges but they are new, not vintage.

I've never seen another like the Christmasy green and red one below.

There are some well known XTC badges that I still don't have... scans anyone?

The badges at the bottom of the page are from various XTConventions.

Any information on badges? Please drop me a line. See the eye at the bottom of the page?